The 2015 Community Focus Report is the 7th report since its inception in 2004. The Community Focus Report is a report card that identifies the strengths (blue ribbons) and weaknesses (red flags) within various sectors of our community. This honest inquiry is necessary to know our areas of success as well as areas that need further attention. The report continues to guide initiatives and decision-making in our community. Moreover, its content is consistently used by community leaders, elected officials and citizens as they develop strategies to make our community stronger.
The blue ribbons and red flags identified in this year's report are significant. We are delighted with the strength and magnitude of our blue ribbons including our community's collaborative culture, awareness of shifting civic and cultural realities, and revitalization efforts. However, red-flag issues continue to exist despite the resources that have been funneled in those directions. Unfortunately, every facet of our community has been affected by challenges associated with poverty, insufficient funding and looming threats to our civic infrastructure. So have we made any progress since the 2004 Community Focus Report? The answer is yes. Although you will see some red flags from previous Community Focus Reports again this year, the blue ribbons highlight our community's willingness to address challenges head on.
Thank you to the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Junior League of Springfield, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Springfield-Greene County Library District, and United Way of the Ozarks for supporting the 2015 Community Focus Report. These organizations continue to provide resources for this community-wide initiative because they see the positive impact the CFR is having on our community. Additionally, we would like to thank the steering committee and community members who contributed to this year's report. On behalf of all those involved, we hope you find the 2015 Community Focus Report helpful as you try to make our community better for all citizens.
Jill Reynolds, CFP
Chair, Community Focus Steering Committee
Cristina M. Gilstrap, Ph.D.
Facilitator, Community Focus Report
In an effort to make the Community Focus Report for Springfield and Greene County a more usable document, we are introducing this year two new online features.
The first is this more interactive web presence at Hosted by the Springfield-Greene County Library District, this year's online report will feature all of the content of the print report, along with links to the organizations and resources mentioned. Each section has its own html page, rather than a PDF download, making it easier to share individual topics online and via social media, and to find valuable content about our area on the web.
The second change is a dashboard featuring more than 100 community health indicators. The Springfield-Greene County Health Department is currently upgrading the dashboard used to present real-time community health data. These improvements will be completed as soon as possible. Please check back soon!
Special thanks to the Springfield-Greene County Library District, the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, and the Healthy Communities Institute for their hard work in making these improvements possible.